Kati Barklund

Workplace Strategist & Change Manager

More about Kati

I have been working as a Workplace Strategist and Change Manager at Tenant & Partner since 2018. Initially, we were organised into competence areas, and I belonged to our Workplace Strategy team. Nowadays, we are organised into teams with mixed competencies where we, as a team, have selected some clients we wish to assist and focus on in the long term and strategically. However, we also collaborate with other teams to best support our clients.

I love helping our clients! I usually have client responsibility and participate in various client projects. In most of my projects, I lead the strategy phase, where we often start with a situation analysis through data collection. Interviews, surveys, site visits, and occupancy measurements are common components here. Then, we compile our findings and present them to the client. In the strategy phase, we typically work with the entire management team since workplace strategy and space-related issues are so strategically important for the entire organisation. As the next step, we try to expand with the management team through inspiration and trend analysis regarding where we are heading and the various possibilities concerning the workplace. After that, we help the management team land on the vision and driving forces for the workplace. What do we want to achieve with the workplace and why? Afterward, we often work with different scenarios to finally find a suitable direction for the future workplace and work methods. After the strategy phase, I often continue to provide support regarding work methods and change management into the new workplace and work methods, and even afterward when it comes to follow-up and continued adaptation and development of the workplace. Helping clients ensure that the workplace continues to support the business and employees over time and not just at the beginning of the change.

What I appreciate most about Tenant & Partner and WorkLife Group is our important shared mission that we all embrace and collaborate on, where both the whole and the parts are essential. Together, we help our clients create more value-creating workplaces where sustainability (human, economic, and planetary) permeates everything, and we know that this is good for people, organisations, society, and the planet. Our vision is an inspiring and meaningful work life for everyone, and imagine what a difference it could make if everyone actually had an inspiring and meaningful work life. I believe the world would be a much better place then.

My passion is people – I love people and believe that if you just give people the right conditions, they want and can do their best, and what I personally am passionate about is realising the inherent potential of people. I love to see and contribute to the development and value creation of people – clients, clients' employees, colleagues, family, and friends. And my contribution and area are precisely in the workplace and work life. That's where I can contribute the most.

At Tenant & Partner, I am not only part of Team E, competence area WPS, Business Forum, and Strategic Management, I'm also a Business Coach and personal coach. Many fun, exciting, and complementary roles and responsibilities, and I also try to drive and develop the workplace and Facility Management industry through the chairmanship of IFMA Sweden and leadership in the workplace network WE, which stands for Workplace Evolutionaries. Within WE, our mission is to change the world, one workplace at a time.

In my free time, I'm a bit of a period person. I like many things but often do them in periods. Regarding exercise, I currently enjoy tennis, running, and strength training, and I mix that with yoga, meditation, and walks. I also like to read, mostly fiction, and spend time with family and friends. I enjoy traveling discovering the world and getting to know new people. I have the best network in the world and continue to collect even more fantastic people in my network from all corners of the world.